(This is a compendium of various ‘Great Books’ lists, my own experience and my wish lists.)
1861-1947 |
Whitehead, Alfred North |
Adventures of Ideas, Principia Mathematica, Science and the Modern World, Process and Reality, Modes of Thought |
1861-1925 |
Steiner, Rudolf |
Goethe the Scientist, The Philosophy of Freedom, Theosophy |
1861-1916 |
Duhem, Pierre |
The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory, Essays, Medieval Cosmology, The Evolution of Mechanics |
1862-1943 |
Hilbert, David |
The Problems of Mathematics |
1862-1910 |
Henry, O. |
The Ransom of Red Chief, The Gift of the Magi, Collected Stories |
1862-1933 |
Chapman, John Jay |
New Horizons in American Life, Causes and Consequences, Practical Agitation |
1862-1937 |
Wharton, Edith |
The Age of Innocence, Ethan Frome, The Gods Arrive |
1862-1949 |
Maeterlinck, Maurice |
The Life of the Bee, The Treasure of the Humble, Monna Vanna, Wisdom and Destiny |
1863-1931 |
Mead, George Herbert |
Mind, Self, & Society, On Social Psychology, The Philosophy of the Present |
1863-1952 |
Santayana, George |
Dominations and Powers, The Sense of Beauty, The Life of Reason, Skepticism and Animal Faith, The Realms of Being, Three Philosophical Poets, Physical Order and Moral Liberty |
1864-1909 |
Minkowski, Herman |
Geometrie Der Zahlen |
1864-1936 |
Unamuno, Miguel de |
Mist, Life of Don Quixote and Sancho, The Tragic Sense of Life,The Agony of Christianity |
1864-1920 |
Weber, Max |
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,Economy and Society, Methodology of the Social Sciences |
1865-1939 |
Yeats, William Butler |
The Rose, The Wind Among the Reeds, A Vision, The Tower, The Winding Stair, Poems, The Death of Cuchulain |
1865-1933 |
Babbitt, Irving |
On Being Creative, Literature and the American College |
1865-1935 |
Kipling, Rudyard |
Plain Tales from the Hills, The Jungle Book, Captains Courageous, Just So Stories, Kim, Barrack-Room Ballads, Poems |
1866-1952 |
Croce, Benedetto |
Guide to Aesthetics, History as the Story of Liberty, Philosophy of the Practical |
1866-1944 |
Rolland, Romain |
Jean-Christophe, Above the Battle, The Enchanted Soul, Triumph of Reason |
1866-1936 |
Steffens, Lincoln |
The Shame of the Cities, The Struggle for Self-Government, Upbuilders |
1867-1941 |
Driesch, Hans |
The History and Theory of Vitalism |
1867-1934 |
Curie, Marie |
Radium and Radioactivity |
1867-1933 |
Galsworthy, John |
The Forsyte Saga, The Skin Game, The Mob, Justice |
1867-1936 |
Pirandello, Luigi |
The Outcast, The Late Mattia Pascal, Plays |
1867-1963 |
Hamilton, Edith |
The Greek Way, The Roman Way, Mythology, Prophets of Israel, Witness to the Truth, Echo of Greece |
1868-1952 |
Maurras, Charles |
Survey on the Monarchy, Inner Music, Under the Sign of Flora, Future of the Intelligence |
1868-1918 |
Rostand, Edmond |
Cyrano de Bergerac, Chantecler, The Woman of Samaria |
1869-1951 |
Gide, André |
The Fruits of the Earth, The Immoralist, The Counterfeiters |
1870-1937 |
Adler, Alfred |
The Neurotic Constitution, Practice and Theory, Understanding Human Nature, Social Interest |
1870-1953 |
Belloc, Hilaire |
The Great Heresies, Servile State,The Crisis of Civilization, Characters of the Reformation, Essays of a Catholic, The Path to Rome |
1870-1945 |
Nock, Albert J. |
Our Enemy, the State, Disadvantages of Being Educated, Study in Paradoxes, Isaiah's Job, Social Power vs. State Power, Memoirs of a Superfluous Man |
1870-1902 |
Norris, Frank |
Moran of the Lady Letty, McTeague, The Octopus |
1871-1922 |
Proust, Marcel |
Pleasures and Regrets, Remembrance of Things Past |
1871-1937 |
Rutherford, Ernest |
1871-1919 |
Andreyev, Leonid |
Lazarus, The Seven Who Were Hanged, The Red Raugh, To the Russian Soldier |
1871-1945 |
Dreiser, Theodore |
An American Tragedy, The Financier, The Titan, Dawn, The Bulwark |
1871-1945 |
Valery, Paul |
The Youngest Fate, Mr. Head, Notebooks |
1871-1909 |
Synge, John Millington |
The Playboy of the Western World, In the Shadow of the Glen, Riders to the Sea, The Well of the Saints |
1871-1900 |
Crane, Stephen |
The Red Badge of Courage, The Black Rider, The Blue Hotel |
1872-1950 |
Ghose, Aurobindo |
The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga |
1872-1970 |
Russell, Bertrand |
Principia Mathematica, Our Knowledge of the External World |
1872-1934 |
Sitter, Willem de |
1872-1967 |
Angell, Norman |
The Great Illusion, Peace with the Dictators?, Defence and the English-speaking Role |
1872-1956 |
Beerbohm, Max |
Zuleika Dobson, Seven Men, Works |
1873-1958 |
Moore, G.E. |
The Refutation of Idealism, A Defense of Common Sense, Principia Ethica |
1873-1962 |
Lovejoy, Arthur O. |
The Great Chain of Being,Essays in the History of Ideas |
1874-1936 |
Chesterton, G.K. |
The Innocence of Father Brown, The Napoleon of Notting Hill, New and Collected Poems, The Everlasting Man,Orthodoxy |
1874-1965 |
Churchill, Winston |
The River War, The Second World War, The Great Republic |
1874-1965 |
Maugham, Somerset W. |
Of Human Bondage, Creatures of Circumstance, Our Betters, The Moon and the Sixpence, The Sacred Flame, The Summing Up, The Razor's Edge |
1874-1963 |
Frost, Robert |
Mountain Interval, North Boston, A Boy's Will |
1874-1948 |
Berdyaev, Nikolai |
Solitude and Society, The Meaning of History, The Meaning of the Creative Act, The Destiny of Man, The Fate of Man in the Modern World, Spirit and Reality, The Human and the Divine |
1875-1961 |
Jung, Carl |
Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Answer to Job |
1875-1955 |
Mann, Thomas |
The Magic Mountain, Death in Venice, Joseph and His Brothers |
1875-1926 |
Rilke, Rainer Maria |
Where Silence Reigns, Poems, Letters, Sonnets |
1875-1965 |
Schweitzer, Albert |
The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, Out of My Life and Thought, The Philosophy of Civilization, Reverence For Life,The Light Within Us |
1876-1962 |
Trevelyan, G.M. |
History of England, John Bright, English Social History |
1877-1962 |
Hesse, Hermann |
Siddhartha, Rosshalde, Demian, Der Steppenwolf |
1878-1965 |
Buber, Martin |
I and Thou, The Origin and Meaning of Hasidism |
1878-1958 |
Cabell, James Branch |
Jurgen, The High Place, The Silver Stallion, Figures of Earth, Something About Eve, The Cream of the Jest |
1878-1968 |
Sinclair, Upton |
The Jungle, King Cole, Boston, Dragon's Teeth |
1878-1954 |
Garrett, Garet |
The People's Pottage,The Mortification of History, Where the Money Grows, The American Story |
1878-1947 |
Ouspensky, P.D. |
Strange Life of Ivan Osokin, Tertium Organum, A New Model of the Universe, The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, In Search of the Miraculous, The Fourth Way |
1879-1955 |
Einstein, Albert |
Relativity: the General and Special Theory |
1879-1970 |
Forster, E.M. |
Where Angels Fear to Tread, A Room With a View, Howards End , A Passage to India, The Machine Stops, Two Cheers for Democracy |
1879-1955 |
Stevens, Wallace |
Harmonium, Ideas of Order,Parts of a World, The Necessary Angel, Poems |
1879-1950 |
Korzybski, Alfred |
Science and Sanity, Manhood of Humanity |
1880-1936 |
Spengler, Oswald |
The Decline of the West |
1880-1948 |
Apollonaire, Guillaume |
The Mirabeau Bridge, The Blind, Ubu the King, the Mammaries of Tiresias, Flesh Unlimited, Calligrammes, Bestiary |
1880-1956 |
Mencken, H.L. |
Treatise of the Gods, Prejudices, The American Language |
1880-1932 |
Strachey, Lytton |
Eminent Victorians, Elizabeth and Essex , Books and Characters |
1880-1962 |
Tawney, R.H. |
Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, Equality, The Attack & Other Papers |
1881-1955 |
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre |
The Phenomenon of Man, The Future of Man, Hymn of the Universe, Christianity and Evolution |
1881-1973 |
Mises, Ludwig von |
Theory and History, Bureaucracy, Human Action, The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality, Socialism, The Theory of Money and Credit |
1882-1944 |
Eddington, Sir Arthur |
Space, Time, and Gravitation |
1882-1941 |
Joyce, James |
Finnegans Wake, Ulysses, Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, The Dead |
1882-1941 |
Woolf, Virginia |
Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, A Room of One's Own, Orlando, The Waves |
1882-1935 |
Noether, Emmy |
Collected Papers |
1882-1973 |
Maritain, Jaques |
Art and Scholasticism, The Degrees of Knowledge, The Rights of Man and Natural Law,True Humanism |
1883-1969 |
Jaspers, Karl |
Way to Wisdom, Truth and Symbol, Philosophy,Reason and Existenz |
1883-1924 |
Kafka, Franz |
The Castle, The Trial,Amerika, A Hunger Artist, Penal Colony |
1883-1955 |
Ortega y Gasset, José |
The Revolt of the Masses,The Dehumanization of Art, Toward a Philosophy of History, What is Philosophy? |
1883-1975 |
Keynes, John Maynard |
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money |
1883-1931 |
Gibran, Kahlil |
The Prophet, The Madman, The Earth Gods |
1883-1950 |
Schumpeter, Joseph |
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, History of Economic Analysis, Business Cycles, Essays |
1884-1944 |
Birkhoff, G.D. |
1884-1978 |
Gilson, Etienne |
The Unity of Philosophical Experience, The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy, The Arts of the Beautiful,Forms and Substances in the Arts, Christian Philosophy, From Aristotle to Darwin and Back Again |
1885-1962 |
Bohr, Niels |
Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature |
1885-1930 |
Lawrence, D.H. |
Democracy, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Etruscan Places, Poems |
1885-1972 |
Pound, Ezra |
Pisan Cantos, The Cantos, Polite Essays, What is Money For? |
1885-1951 |
Lewis, Sinclair |
Main Street, Babbitt, Arrowsmith, Elmer Gantry |
1885-1967 |
Maurois, André |
Biographies, Histories |
1885-1957 |
Kazantzakis, Nikos |
Zorba the Greek, The Last Temptation of Christ, Odyssey: A Modern Sequel |
1885-1965 |
Costain, Thomas B. |
The Three Edwards, The Conquering Family, The Last Plantagenets, The Magnificent Century, The Silver Chalice, The Black Rose |
1885-1955 |
Weyl, Hermann |
Die Idee der Riemannschen Fläche, The Open World |
1885-1981 |
Durant, Will |
The Mansions of Philosophy, The Life of Greece, Caesar and Christ, The Age of Faith, The Renaissance, The Reformation, The Age of Reason Begins, The Age of Louis XIV, The Age of Voltaire, Rousseau and Revolution, The Age of Napoleon |
1886-1959 |
Tolman, Edward |
Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men, Drives toward War |
1886-1965 |
Tillich, Paul |
Systematic Theology, Theology of Culture, The Courage to Be, Dynamics of Faith, The New Being |
1886-1968 |
Nicolson, Harold |
Diplomacy, The Evolution of Diplomatic Method, Kings, Courts, and Monarchy, Biographies |
1887-1949 |
Bloomfield, Leonard |
Language |
1887-1975 |
Huxley, Julian |
Elements of Experimental Embryology, Evolution: The Modern Synthesis, Essays of a Biologist |
1887-1961 |
Schrödinger, Erwin |
What is Life? Science and Humanism, Nature and the Greeks |
1887-1914 |
Trakl, Georg |
Autumn Sonata, Poems |
1888-1965 |
Eliot, T.S. |
The Wasteland, Prufrock and Other Observations, The Sacred Wood, Ash Wednesday, Journey of the Magi |
1888-1925 |
Friedmann, Aleksandr |
1888-1975 |
Radhakrishnan, Sir |
Indian Philosophy, An Idealist View of Life, Eastern Religions and Western Thought |
1888-1953 |
O'Neill, Eugene |
Long Day's Journey into Night, Mourning Becomes Electra, Desire under the Elms, The Iceman Cometh |
1888-1974 |
Ransom, John Crowe |
Chills and Fever, Two Gentlemen in Bonds, I'll Take My Stand, God Without Thunder |
1888-1948 |
Bernanos, George |
The Diary of a Country Priest, La Joie, Un Crime, La grande peur des bien-pensants, Last Essays |
1888-1935 |
Lawrence, T.E. |
Seven Pillars of Wisdom |
1889-1976 |
Heidegger, Martin |
Being and Time, Poetry, Language, Thought |
1889-1953 |
Hubble, Edwin |
The Realm of the Nebulae |
1889-1975 |
Toynbee, Arnold |
Study of History,Change and Habit |
1889-1951 |
Wittgenstein, Ludwig |
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Philosophical Investigations |
1889-1970 |
Dawson, Christopher |
The Making of Europe, Religion and the Rise of Western Culture,The Age of the Gods, Progress and Religion, Beyond Politics, Christianity and the New Age |
1889-1973 |
Marcel, Gabriel |
Being and Having, The Mystery of Being, Presence and Immortality, Philosophy of Existentialism |
1889-1957 |
Ogden, C.K. |
The Meaning of Meaning, Basic English and Grammatical Reform |
1889-1966 |
Akhmatova, Anna |
Requiem, Poem Without a Hero |
1890-1938 |
Capek, Karel |
Rossum's Universal Robots, Matka, Power and Glory |
1890-1956 |
Owsley, Frank L. |
Who Owns America? The Superfluous Men, State Rights in the Confederacy,King Cotton Diplomacy, Plain Folk of the Old South |
1891-1970 |
Carnap, Rudolf |
The Logical Syntax of Language |
1891-1953 |
Reichenbach, Hans |
Elements of Symbolic Logic, The Rise of Scientific Philosophy |
1891-1976 |
Polanyi, Michael |
Personal Knowledge, Meaning,Science, Faith and Society, Tacit Dimension, The Logic of Liberty |
1891-1937 |
Gramsci, Antonio |
The Modern Prince, Intellectuals and Education, Prison Notebooks, On Culture, Literature and Art, Elements of Politics, On the Fundamental Problems of Marxism |
1892-1987 |
de Broglie, Louis |
The Revolution in Physics |
1892-1964 |
Haldane, J.B.S. |
The Causes of Evolution, New Paths in Genetics |
1892-1973 |
Tolkien, J.R.R. |
The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King,The Hobbit, The Silmarillion,Unfinished Tales |
1892-1971 |
Neibuhr, Reinhold |
Faith and History, Beyond Tragedy, The Nature and Destiny of Man |
1892-1973 |
Buck, Pearl |
The Good Earth, A Bridge for Passing, Sons, The Patriot |
1893-1984 |
Szent-Györgyi, Albert |
Bioenergetics, The Crazy Ape |
1894-1963 |
Huxley, Aldous |
Eyeless in Gaza, The Doors of Perception, Heaven and Hell, Brave New World,Ape and Essence, Island, The Devils of Loudun |
1894-1993 |
Hazlitt, Henry |
Economics in One Lesson,The Foundations of Morality, Man vs. the Welfare State, Conquest of Poverty |
1894-1977 |
Dooyeweerd, Herman |
In the Struggle for a Christian Politics, The Philosophy of the Cosmonomic ldea, Encyclopedia of Legal Science, In the Twilight of Western Thought, Roots of Western Culture, Christian Theory of Social Institutions |
1894-1964 |
Wiener, Norbert |
The Human Use of Human Beings, Cybernetics, God and Golem, Inc., Time Series, The Fourier Integral |
1895-1983 |
Fuller, R. Buckminster |
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, Synergetics, The Critical Path, Utopia or Oblivion |
1895-1985 |
Graves, Robert |
I, Claudius, Claudius the God, Survey of Modernist Poetry, Collected Poems |
1895-1986 |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu |
The Urgency of Change, The Awakening of Intelligence |
1895-1990 |
Mumford, Lewis |
Technics and Civilization, The Myth of the Machine |
1895-1985 |
Langer, Susanne |
Feeling and Form, Language and Myth, Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling, Philosophy in a New Key |
1895-1978 |
Leavis, F.R. |
Two Cultures: The Significance of C.P. Snow, English Literature in Our Time and the University, Nor Shall My Sword, Scrutiny, The Great Tradition, The Common Pursuit, Mass Civilisation and Minority Culture |
1896-1950 |
Milne, Edward A. |
1896-1940 |
Fitzgerald, F. Scott |
The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby, Tender Is the Night, Flappers and Philosophers |
1896-1970 |
Dos Passos, John |
The Grand Design, USA: The 42nd Parallel / 1919 / The Big Money |
1897-1962 |
Faulkner, William |
The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, Absalom, Absalom! The Reivers, The Mansion, As I Lay Dying |
1897-1970 |
Remarque, Erich Maria |
All Quiet on the Western Front,The Road Back, The Black Obelisk |
1897-1975 |
Wilder, Thornton |
The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Our Town, Heaven's My Destination, The Ides of March, The Eighth Day, The Matchmaker, The Skin of Our Teeth |
1897-2000 |
Hartshorne, Charles |
Anselm's Discovery, Omnipotence and Other Theological Mistakes, Creative Synthesis and Philosophic Method, The Logic of Perfection, Darkness and the Light, Beyond Humanism, Wisdom As Moderation |
1898-1963 |
Lewis, C.S. |
Surprised by Joy, The Abolition of Man,Mere Christianity, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, The Discarded Image |
1898-1961 |
Hemingway, Ernest |
The Old Man and the Sea, The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, A Farewell to Arms, Islands in the Stream, The Snows of Kilimanjaro |
1899-1992 |
Hayek, Friedrich von |
The Fatal Conceit, The Road to Serfdom, The Constitution of Liberty, Law, Legislation, and Liberty |
1899-1986 |
Borges, Jorge Lois |
Labyrinths,The Immortal, The Secret Miracle, The Garden of Forking Paths, Dreamtigers |
1899-1966 |
Röpke, Wilhelm |
A Humane Economy, Economics of the Free Society, Social Crisis of Our Time |
1899-1973 |
Strauss, Leo |
Natural Right and History, The City and Man, Liberalism Ancient and Modern, Thoughts on Machiavelli, What is Political Philosophy? The Spirit of Modern Republicanism |
1900-1958 |
Pauli, Wolfgang |
Writings on Physics and Philosophy |
1900-1976 |
Ryle, Gilbert |
The Concept of Mind, Dilemmas |
1900-1949 |
Mitchell, Margaret |
Gone With the Wind |
1900-1975 |
Dobzhansky, Theodosius |
The Biology of Ultimate Concern, Evolution, Genetics, and Man, Mankind Evolving |
1901-1954 |
Fermi, Enrico |
Nuclear Physics, Thermo-dynamics |
1901-1976 |
Heisenberg, Werner |
Physics and Philosophy, Physics and Beyond |
1901-1985 |
Nagel, Ernest |
Sovereign Reason, The Structure of Science, Teleology Revisited and Other Essays |
1901-1994 |
Pauling, Linus |
Chemistry, How to Live Longer and Feel Better |
1901-1990 |
Oakeshott, Michael |
The Politics of Faith and the Politics of Scepticism, Experience and Its Modes, On Human Conduct, Rationalism in Politics |
1901-1985 |
Voegelin, Eric |
Modernity Without Restraint,Science, Politics and Gnosticism, Anamnesis, Order and History: (In Search of Order, The Ecumenic Age, Plato and Aristotle, The World of the Polis, Israel and Revelation), The New Science of Politics,The Nature of the Law |
1901-1976 |
Malraux, Andre |
The Voices of Silence, Man's Fate, La Voie Royale |
1902-2001 |
Adler, Mortimer |
How to Read a Book, Philosopher at Large, A Guidebook to Learning |
1902-1984 |
Dirac, Paul |
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics |
1902-1979 |
Parsons, Talcott |
The Social System, Societies: Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives, The System of Modern Societies |
1902-1994 |
Popper, Karl |
The Open Society and Its Enemies, The Poverty of Historicism, Objective Knowledge, Conjectures and Refutations |
1902-1987 |
Rogers, Carl |
Counseling and Psychotherapy, Client-Centered Therapy, On Becoming a Person |
1902-1968 |
Steinbeck, John |
The Grapes of Wrath, Cannery Row, Of Mice and Men, Travels with Charley, East of Eden, The Red Pony, The Winter of Our Discontent |
1902-1989 |
Hook, Sidney |
Reason, Social Myths, and Democracy, The Quest for Being, Out of Step, The Hero in History |
1903-1950 |
Orwell, George |
Down and Out in Paris and London, The Road to Wigan Pier, Homage to Catalonia, Politics and the English Language, 1984, Animal Farm |
1903-1957 |
von Neumann, John |
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior |
1903-1988 |
Paton, Alan |
Cry, the Beloved Country, Too Late the Phalarope |
1903-1966 |
Waugh, Evelyn |
Brideshead Revisited,Decline and Fall, Vile Bodies, Sword of Honour |
1903-1989 |
Lorenz, Konrad |
On Aggression, The Natural Science of the Human Species, Behind the Mirror |
1903-1987 |
Jouvenel, Bertrand de |
On Power,The Ethics of Redistribution, The Pure Theory of Politics, Sovereignty |
1904-1987 |
Campbell, Joseph |
The Masks of God, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Myths to Live By |
1904-1968 |
Gamow, George |
Biography of the Earth, A Star Called the Sun |
1904-2005 |
Kennan, George |
American Diplomacy, Sketches from a Life, Around the Cragged Hill |
1904-2005 |
Mayr, Ernst |
Evolution and the Diversity of Life, Populations, Species, and Evolution, Toward a New Philosophy of Biology, The Growth of Biological Thought |
1904-1980 |
Morgenthau, Hans |
Politics among Nations |
1904-1984 |
Rahner, Karl |
Spirit in the World, Theological Investigations, Foundations of Christian Faith |
1904-1991 |
Greene, Graham |
Stamboul Train, The Brighton Rock, The Heart of the Matter, The Power and the Glory, The Third Man, The Human Factor |
1904-1985 |
Hebb, D.O. |
The Organization of Behavior |
1904-1997 |
Pieper, Josef |
Leisure, the Basis of Culture, Faith, Hope, Love, Four Cardinal Virtues, Only the Lover Sings, Abuse of Language Abuse of Power, The Concept of Sin, In Search of the Sacred |
1905-1997 |
Hempel, Carl |
Aspects of Scientific Explanation, Philosophy of Natural Science |
1905-1983 |
Koestler, Arthur |
Darkness at Noon,Scum of the Earth, The Act of Creation, The Ghost in the Machine, The Thirteenth Tribe, Janus: A Summing Up,Bricks to Babel |
1905-1982 |
Rand, Ayn |
The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, For the New Intellectual |
1905-1980 |
Sartre, Jean-Paul |
Being and Nothingness, The Critique of Dialectical Reason, Nausea |
1905-1975 |
Trilling, Lionel |
The Liberal Imagination,Beyond Culture, Sincerity and Authenticity, Mind in the Modern World |
1905-1989 |
Warren, Robert Penn |
All the King's Men, Promises, Now and Then, At Heaven's Gate, Remember the Alamo! I'll Take My Stand |
1905-1980 |
Snow, C.P. |
The Two Cultures, Appendix to Science and Government, In Their Wisdom |
1905-1987 |
Burnham, James |
The Suicide of the West,The Machiavellians, The War We Are In |
1905-1975 |
Waddington, C.H. |
The Man-Made Future, Evolution of an Evolutionist, Towards a Theoretical Biology, Evolution and Consciousness, Tools for Thought |
1906-1975 |
Arendt, Hannah |
The Origins of Totalitarianism, The Human Condition, On Revolution, On Violence, Crises of the Republic, The Life of the Mind |
1906-2005 |
Bethe, Hans |
The Road from Los Alamos |
1906-1978 |
Gödel, Kurt |
On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems, Collected Works |
1906-1989 |
Beckett, Samuel |
Waiting for Godot, Endgame, Collected Poems |
1907-1973 |
Auden, W.H. |
Collected Poems |
1907-2012 |
Barzun, Jacques |
From Dawn to Decadence,House of Intellect, The Modern Researcher |
1907-1997 |
Michener, James A. |
Hawaii, Centennial, Texas, Tales of the South Pacific, The Bridges at Toko-Ri |
1907-1988 |
Heinlein, Robert |
Starship Troopers, Time Enough for Love, Methuselah's Children, Stranger in a Strange Land, I Will Fear No Evil |
1908-1995 |
Alfvén, Hannes |
Atom, Man, and the Universe, Cosmic Plasma,Worlds-Antiworlds: Antimatter in Cosmology |
1908-2009 |
Lévi-Strauss, Claude |
Tristes Tropiques, Structural Anthropology, The Savage Mind |
1908-2000 |
Quine, Willard V. O. |
From a Logical Point of View, Word and Object, Philosophy of Logic, Quiddities, Set Theory and Its Logic |
1908-2003 |
Teller, Edward |
Conversations on the Dark Secrets of Physics, Better a Shield Than a Sword, Pursuit of Simplicity, Energy from Heaven and Earth |
1908-1997 |
Berlin, Isaiah |
The Hedgehog and the Fox, Historical Inevitability, Four Essays on Liberty, Against the Current, The Crooked Timber of Humanity |
1908-1986 |
Beauvoir, Simone de |
The Second Sex, The Mandarins |
1908-1981 |
Saroyan, William |
The Time of Your Life, My Name is Aram, The Assyrian |
1908-1970 |
Maslow, Abraham |
Eupsychian Management, The Psychology of Science, Religions, values and peak-experiences |
1909-2005 |
Drucker, Peter |
Management Challenges for the 21st Century, Essential Drucker |
1909-1943 |
Weil, Simone |
Gravity and Grace, The Need for Roots, Oppression and Liberty |
1909-1999 |
Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Erik von |
Liberty or Equality,Leftism Revisited |
1910-1989 |
Ayer, A.J. |
The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge, The Problem of Knowledge, The Origins of Pragmatism |
1910-1976 |
Monod, Jacques |
Chance and Necessity |
1910-1987 |
Anouilh, Jean |
Becket, Catch as Catch Can, Plays |
1910-1963 |
Weaver, Richard |
Ideas Have Consequences,The Ethics of Rhetoric, Visions of Order |
1911-1988 |
Alvarez, Luis |
Alvarez |
1911-1960 |
Austin, J.L. |
How to Do Things with Words |
1911-1980 |
McLuhan, Marshall |
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, The Medium Is the Message |
1911-2004 |
Reagan, Ronald |
Reagan, in His Own Hand |
1911-1968 |
Peake, Mervyn |
Titus Groan, Gormenghast, Titus Alone, Selected Poems |
1911-1993 |
Golding, William |
Lord of the Flies, The Spire, The Inheritors, Pincher Martin, Free Fall, The Double Tongue |
1912-2006 |
Friedman, Milton |
Capitalism and Freedom,Monetarist Economics, A Monetary History of the United States |
1912-1994 |
Ionesco, Eugène |
Rhinoceros, The Chairs, The Lesson, The Killer, Exit the King, Journeys Among the Dead |
1912-1954 |
Turing, Alan |
On Computable Numbers, Enigma |
1912-1989 |
Tuchman, Barbara |
The Guns of August, Stilwell and the American Experience in China,The Proud Tower, The March of Folly, A Distant Mirror |
1912-1994 |
Ellul, Jacques |
The Theological Foundation of Law, The Presence of the Kingdom, Money and Power, The Technological Society,The Subversion of Christianity, The Betrayal of the West, Propaganda, Meaning of the City |
1913-1960 |
Camus, Albert |
The Stranger, The Myth of Sisyphus, The Plague, The Rebel |
1913-1996 |
Nisbet, Robert |
Twilight of Authority, Prejudices, History of the Idea of Progress,The Present Age, The Quest for Community, Tradition and Revolt, The Social Bond |
1913-2004 |
Bouyer, Louis |
The Invisible Father, Eucharist Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharist, Cosmos, The Christian Mystery, Liturgical Piety, Liturgy and Architecture,Rite and Man |
1914-1953 |
Thomas, Dylan |
The Map of Love, Deaths and Entrances, Adventures in the Skin Trade, Poems, Under Milkwood |
1914-1998 |
Paz, Octavio |
Piedra de sol, Luna Silvestre, Salamandra, Corriente Alterna |
1914-1983 |
Williams, Tennessee |
A Streetcar Named Desire |
1914-1986 |
Malamud, Bernard |
The Natural, The Fixer, The Assistant, The Magic Barrel, Dubin's Lives |
1915-1980 |
Barthes, Roland |
Mythologies, Elements of Semiology, The Empire of Signs, Critical Essays |
1915-2001 |
Hoyle, Fred |
Frontiers of Astronomy, The Nature of the Universe, On Stonehenge, The Intelligent Universe |
1915-2005 |
Bellow, Saul |
The Adventures of Augie March, Herzog, Humboldt's Gift, Ravelstein, The Victim |
1915-2005 |
Miller, Arthur |
Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, Echoes Down the Corridor |
1915-1968 |
Merton, Thomas |
The Seven Storey Mountain, The Silent Life, The Way of Chuang Tzu, No Man is an Island |
1916-2004 |
Crick, Francis |
Of Molecules and Men, Life Itself, What Mad Pursuit, The Astonishing Hypothesis |
1916-2001 |
Shannon, Claude |
The Mathematical Theory of Communication |
1916-1990 |
Percy, Walker |
Signposts in a Strangeland, The Moviegoer, The Last Gentleman, Love in the Ruins, The Message in the Bottle, The Second Coming, Lost in the Cosmos, The City of the Dead, The Thanatos Syndrome |
1916-1999 |
Banfield, Edward |
Unheavenly City Revisited, Here the People Rule |
1916-2006 |
Jacobs, Jane |
The Death and Life of Great American Cities, The Economy of Cities, The Nature of Economies |
1916-2001 |
Rushdoony, John R. |
Institutes of Biblical Law, The Biblical Philosophy of History, The Messianic Character of American Education, The Roots of Reconstruction, The Foundations of Social Order |
1917-2003 |
Prigogine, Ilya |
The End of Certainty, Chaos: The New Science, Non-Equilibrium Systems, Exploring Complexity |
1917-2008 |
Clarke, Arthur C. |
2001, A Space Odyssey, The View from Serendip, The Sentinel, Rendezvous with Rama, Childhood's End |
1917-1992 |
Bohm, David |
The Undivided Universe,Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Causality and Chance in Modern Physics, Science, Order and Creativity |
1917-2003 |
Davidson, Donald |
Essays on Actions and Events, Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, Regionalism and Nationalism in the United States |
1917-2015 |
Conquest, Robert |
The Harvest of Sorrow, Reflections on a Ravaged Century,The Great Terror, Stalin: Breaker of Nations, History, Humanity, and Truth |
1918-1988 |
Feynman, Richard |
QED, Feynman Lectures on Physicsm, The Character of Physical Law |
1918-2008 |
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr |
The First Circle, August 1914,The Gulag Archipelago, November 1916,The Cancer Ward |
1918-1994 |
Kirk, Russell |
The Conservative Mind, Sword of Imagination,The Politics of Prudence, Roots of American Order, Enemies of the Permanent Things |
1918-2012 |
Crozier, Brian |
The Minimum State, Socialism: The Grand Delusion, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire, DeGaulle, Strategy of Survival |
1919-1999 |
Murdoch, Iris |
The Bell, A Severed Head, Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals,The Fire and the Sun, The Philosopher's Pupil |
1919-2000 |
Poteat, William H. |
Polanyian Meditations: In Search of a Post-Critical Logic, A Philosophical Daybook: Post Critical Investigations, Recovering the Ground |
1920-2005 |
John Paul II |
The Gospel of Life,The Redeemer of Man, The Splendor of Truth, On the Hundredth Anniversary |
1920-1970 |
Célan, Paul |
Death Fugue, Poems |
1920-1992 |
Asimov, Isaac |
Foundation Series, Robot Series |
1920-1986 |
Herbert, Frank |
Dune,Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, Chapterhouse Dune,Hellstrom's Hive, The Santaroga Barrier |
1921-1999 |
Martin, Malachi |
The Keys of This Blood,Windswept House, The Jesuits, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church |
1921-2010 |
Molnar, Thomas |
Utopia: the Perennial Heresy,The Decline of the Intellectual, God and the Knowledge of Reality, Authority and Its Enemies,Return to Philosophy, The Emerging Atlantic Culture, Christian Humanism, Archetypes of Thought, The Counter-Revolution, Twin Powers: Politics and the Sacred |
1922-1996 |
Kuhn, Thomas |
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The Copernican Revolution |
1922-2007 |
Vonnegut, Kurt |
Slaughterhouse Five, Cat's Cradle, Player Piano, The Sirens of Titan |
1922-1974 |
Lakatos, Imre |
Mathematics, Science and Epistemology, Modern Physics, Modern Society |
1922-1998 |
Sherrard, Philip |
The Rape of Man and Nature, The Greek East and the Latin West, Church, Papacy and Schism, The Sacred in Life and Art,Human Image: World Image |
1922-1985 |
Larkin, Philip |
Whitsun Weddings, Collected Poems |
1922-2016 |
Himmelfarb, Gertrude |
On Looking Into the Abyss, One Nation, Two Cultures,The De-Moralization of Society, The New History and the Old, Lord Acton, Victorian Minds, Marriage and Morals Among the Victorians, Poverty and Compassion, Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution |
1922-2018 |
Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi |
The Great Human Diaspora, The History and Geography of Human Genes, Cultural Transmission and Evolution |
1923-2020 |
Anderson, Philip |
A Career in Theoretical Physics |
1923-1996 |
Miller, Walter M., Jr. |
A Canticle for Leibowitz, Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman |
1924-2016 |
Schlafly, Phyllis |
The Gravediggers, The Power of the Positive Woman, Who Will Rock the Cradle? |
1924-2009 |
Jaki, Stanley |
The Absolute Beneath the Relative,Angels, Apes and Men, Culture and Science, The Only Chaos, Patterns or Principles |
1924-2010 |
Mandelbrot, Benoit |
Fractal Geometry of Nature, Multifractals and 1/F Noise, Gaussian Self-Affinity and Fractals |
1924-2006 |
Revel, Jean-François |
How Democracies Perish,The Totalitarian Temptation, The Rejection of the State, The Flight from Truth, Democracy Against Itself |
1925-2013 |
Thatcher, Margaret |
Downing Street Years, Collected Speeches |
1925-1964 |
O'Connor, Flannery |
Wise Blood, The Violent Bear It Away |
1926-2016 |
Putnam, Hilary |
Representation and Reality, Realism and Reason, Mathematics, Matter and Method, Mind, Language and Reality, Reason, Truth and History, Words and Life |
1926-1995 |
Rothbard, Murray |
Man, Economy and State, For a New Liberty, What Has Government Done to Our Money? America's Great Depression, The Logic of Action |
1926-2009 |
Schroeder, Manfred |
Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws,Number Theory in Science and Communication |
1927-2012 |
Bork, Robert |
Slouching Towards Gomorrah, The Tempting of America, Out of Order, The Balance of Freedom |
1927-1994 |
Stove, David |
Scientific Irrationalism, The Plato Cult and Other Philosophical Follies, Against the Idols of the Age,Anything Goes, The Rationality of Induction, Popper and After: Four Modern Irrationalists, Probability and Humes Inductive Spepticism |
1927-2013 |
Bellah, Robert |
Habits of the Heart, Religion, Order, and Law, Beyond Belief, Tokugawa Religion, The Good Society |
1927-2016 |
McDonald, Forrest |
Novus Ordo Seclorum, States' Rights and the Union, E Pluribus Unum, The American Presidency, We the People |
1927- |
Haken, Hermann |
Information and Self-Organization, Principles of Brain Functioning, Evolution of Order and Chaos in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, Advanced Synergetics, Synergetics: An Introduction |
1927-2017 |
Fleming, Thomas |
The New Dealers' War, Duel, Dreams of Glory, When This Cruel War is Over, Lights Along the Way, Immigration and the American Identity, The Politics of Human Nature, The Morality of Everyday Life |
1927-2013 |
Arp, Halton |
The Virtue of Heresy, Seeing Red, The Static Universe, Quasars, Redshifts and Controversies |
1928- |
Chomsky, Noam |
Propaganda and the Public Mind, Rogue States, The New Military Humanism, World Orders, Old and New, Manufacturing Consent |
1928- |
Watson, James |
Molecular Biology of the Gene, The Double Helix, A Passion for DNA |
1928-2014 |
Márquez, Gabriel García |
No One Writes to the Colonel, Innocent Erendira, Leaf Storm, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Autumn of the Patriarch, Love in the Time of Cholera |
1928- |
Johnson, Paul |
A History of the American People, A History of the Jews, A History of Christianity, The Civilization of Ancient Egypt, Intellectuals, The Birth of the Modern,Modern Times |
1929-2019 |
Gell-Mann, Murray |
The Quark and the Jaguar, The Eight-Fold Way |
1929-1968 |
King, M.L., Jr. |
I Have a Dream, The Measure of a Man, A Testament of Hope |
1929-2018 |
Le Guin, Ursula |
A Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore, Tehanu, The Dispossed, The Left Hand of Darkness |
1929-2019 |
Massie, Robert K. |
Dreadnaught, Nicholas and Alexandra, Peter the Great |
1929-2014 |
Edelman, Gerald |
Neural Darwinism, Topobiology, The Remembered Present, Bright Air, Brilliant Fire, A Universe of Consciousness |
1929- |
MacIntyre, Alasdair |
After Virtue, Dependent Rational Animals, The Unconscious, Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry,Whose Justice? Which Rationality? |
1929-2021 |
Wilson, E.O. |
Sociobiology,Consilience, Biological Diversity, On Human Nature |
1930-1992 |
Bloom, Allan |
The Closing of the American Mind, Love and Friendship |
1930- |
Barth, John |
Lost in the Funhouse, The Sot-Weed Factor,Further Fridays, Giles Goat-Boy, The Floating Opera, Letters, The Last Voyage Of Somebody The Sailor |
1930- |
Sowell, Thomas |
The Vision of the Anointed, The Quest for Cosmic Justice, Inside American Education, Conquests and Cultures, A Conflict of Visions, Migrations and Cultures, Civil Rights |
1930-2021 |
Polkinghorne, John |
Beyond Science: The Wider Human Context, Quarks, Chaos and Christianity, Reason and Reality, Science and Creation, Faith, Science and Understanding, Science and Providence |
1930-2018 |
Teichman, Jenny |
Social Ethics, Philosophy and the Mind, Polemical Papers, Illegitimacy, Pacifism and the Just War, The Philosophy of War and Peace |
1930-1918 |
Wolfe, Tom |
The Electric Acid Kool-Aid Test,Bonfire of the Vanities, The Right Stuff, A Man in Full, The Pump House Gang, Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers |
1931- |
Penrose, Roger |
The Emperor's New Mind |
1931-2010 |
Johnson, Chalmers |
Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire, Nemesis,An Instance of Treason |
1931- |
Grof, Stanislav |
The Cosmic Game, The Holotropic Mind, Psychology of the Future, Beyond the Brain |
1931-2012 |
Wilson, James Q. |
Drugs and Crime, American Government: Institutions and Policies, Crime and Human Nature, Bureaucracy, The Moral Sense, The Ethics of Human Cloning |
1932-2016 |
Eco, Umberto |
A Theory of Semiotics, Kant and the Platypus, The Name of the Rose, The Future of the Book, A History of Beauty |
1932-2018 |
Naipaul, V.S. |
A Bend in the River, Among the Believers, Beyond Belief, A Way in the World |
1932- |
Searle, John |
The Construction of Social Reality, Mind, Language and Society,The Rediscovery of the Mind |
1932-1994 |
Lasch, Christopher |
Culture of Narcissism, Haven in a Heartless World, True and Only Heaven, The Revolt of the Elites, The World of Nations |
1932-1998 |
Simon, Julian |
The Ultimate Resource, A Life Against the Grain, Population Matters |
1933-2017 |
Novak, Michael |
The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, Free Persons and the Common Good, The Fire of Invention, The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Belief and Unbelief, The Experience of Nothingness, The Open Church, Free Persons and the Common Good |
1934-2015 |
Evans, M. Stanton |
Theme is Freedom,Revolt on the Campus, The Liberal Establishment, Clear and Present Dangers, The Politics of Surrender |
1934-1993 |
Bradford, M.E. |
Remembering Who We Are, Original Intentions,Against the Barbarians, The Reactionary Imperative, Generations of the Faithful Heart |
1934- |
Berry, Wendell |
Jayber Crow, Life Is a Miracle, The Unsettling of America, A Timbered Choir, A Place on Earth |
1936- |
Llosa, Mario Vargas |
The War of the End of the World, Hablador, The Time of the Hero, The Green House |
1936-2016 |
King, Florence |
Southern Ladies and Gentleman, Reflections in a Jaundiced Eye, With Charity Towards None |
1936- |
Pryce-Jones, David |
Paris in the Third Reich, The Closed Circle, The Face of Defeat, The Hungarian Revolution, The Strange Death of the Soviet Empire |
1936-2011 |
Havel, Vaclev |
The Power of the Powerless, Living in Truth, Towards a Civil Society, To the Castle and Back |
1936-2003 |
Vazsonyi, Balint |
America's Thirty Years War: Who is Winning? |
1937- |
Pynchon, Thomas |
V, Gravity's Rainbow, The Crying of Lot 49, Vineland |
1938-2011 |
Margulis, Lynn |
Five Kingdoms, Microcosmos, What is Life? Symbiotic Planet, Environmental Evolution |
1938- |
Buchanan, Patrick J. |
The Great Betrayal, A Republic, Not an Empire, Right from the Beginning, Conservative Votes, Liberal Victories, Suicide of a Superpower, The Death of the West |
1939-2002 |
Nozick, Robert |
The Nature of Rationality, Anarchy, State and Utopia, Philosophical Explanations, The Examined Life |
1939- |
Gilder, George |
Microcosm, Men and Marriage, Telecosm, Wealth and Poverty, The Spirit of Enterprise |
1939- |
Kauffman, Stuart |
Investigations,Origins of Order, At Home in the Universe |
1940- |
Gazzaniga, Michael |
The New Cognitive Neurosciences, Nature's Mind, The Mind's Past, The Social Brain, The Integrated Mind |
1942-2018 |
Hawking, Stephen |
A Brief History of Time, Black Holes and Baby Universes, The Nature of Space and Time |
1943- |
Ryn, Claes |
Democracy and the Ethical Life, Will, Imagination, and Reason, New Jacobinism |
1943- |
Murray, Charles |
The Bell Curve, Losing Ground, In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government, Human Achievement |
1946-2010 |
Sobran, Joseph |
Hustler: The Clinton Legacy, Alias Shakespeare |
1947-2005 |
Francis, Samuel |
Thinkers of Our Time: James Burnham, Good Behavior, Beautiful Losers, Soviet Strategy of Terror |
1948- |
Sober, Elliott |
The Philosophy of Biology, Core Questions in Philosophy, Reconstructing the Past, The Nature of Selection |
1948- |
Bruckner, Pascal |
The Tears of the White Man: Compassion As Contempt, The Temptation of Innocence, Evil Angels |
1949- |
Machan, Tibor |
Generosity, Why Freedom Must be First, Liberty and Culture, Capitalism and Individualism, The Moral Case for the Free Market Economy, Private Rights and Public Illusions |
1949- |
Flanagan, Owen |
Self Expressions, Consciousness Reconsidered, Identity, Character, and Morality, Dreaming Souls, Varieties of Moral Personality, The Science of the Mind, The Problem of the Soul |
1950- |
Tarnas, Richard |
The Passion of the Western Mind,Prometheus the Awakener, Cosmos & Psyche |
1953- |
Kimball, Roger |
Tenured Radicals, Experiments Against Reality,The Long March, The Betrayal of Liberalism, Against the Grain, The Future of the European Past |
1955- |
Gelernter, David |
Mirror Worlds, The Muse in the Machine, Machine Beauty, 1939: the Lost World of the Fair, Drawing Life |
1955- |
Hunter, James Davison |
The Death of Character, Culture Wars, Before the Shooting Begins, American Evangelicalism |